Saturday: Tezcuco Breakfast and Drive Drive Drive

I had dreams last night. I dreamed that politically motivating writings were all the rage and that I had a hit with two of my speeches. I actually didn't perform the speeches myself, but Teddy Roosevelt did. My writings had gotten me so popular that I was approached by a big Hollywood film firm to star in a fluff rollerblading movie. I agreed, but on one condition, that from the day of shooting to the day the movie was released in theaters would not be more than one month. This is topical stuff, and making a moneygrab movie is ok if you're at the top. I would be getting 17 million for it. But that was all peripheral, I was a Great Writer.

Also, in my dream, Aisai and I had a child, who was obviously adopted, a little girl, about three, named Olivia.

Aisai and I just ate our breakfast they supply here. It was OJ, grits, some lame sausage, some Hardee's looking plain biscuits, and enough eggs to choke a horse. I'm supposed to be showering now.

Aisai also had dreams. She dreamed that she worked in a really big building and would use the stairwells to run up and down after hours. She showed up early one day and did her running thing and showed up, almost out of breath, since she was in great shape, at a staff meeting. A co-worker asked, "What have you been doing?" To which Aisai replied, "I need more challenge in my life."

I've got to take a shower so we can go on the nine o'clock tour of the plantation and then we can hit the road. I can't wait to see the cats again. Whoo hoo, Zapato!


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