Saturday Was A Good Day

I�m listening to a cassette tape now. It�s Ali Akbar Khan�s Journey. Aisai and I almost had that played at our wedding. However, we figured that it would freak too many people out.

I wasn�t planning on us eating out last night, but both of us felt really drained after work so we did eat out. Trying to keep it on the cheap we went to Zaxby�s. Our Zaxby�s doesn�t have the little Borg technology pager things when your food is ready so you have to leave your name.

I�m surprised how many people leave their first name. I would feel odd about having my first name called out in a group of strangers.

I ordered the chicken finger plate, nuclear hot. I had to ask what the hierarchy of hotness was again. I should have been able to remember, since it�s backward.

They have the hottest as insane hot, while the one just below that is nuclear hot. I actually explained my confusion to the staff, which was a mistake since they thought I was a bizarro. But, really, mental illness doesn�t even compare to the power of the atom.

After that, Aisai and I were on a shoe quest for me. We went by Just For Feet and found out that the kid who ran that stop sign in his Ford Explorer back in November, thus having me T-bone him, worked there. He recognized both me and my car or just my car. He was talking with someone when we walked in. I looked at the cheapo shoes they have at the front and realized that none were cool looking, so we started leaving.

I commented to Aisai once we got near the car about how shiny it was. The Kronos dealer, which is actually located across the street from Just For Feet, washed it and even vacuumed out the inside. However, the mint they left on the dash was a winter mint and it melted in the near 100-degree heat.

That�s 38ish degrees C for you Canadians.

Aisai heard the kid say, �That�s the car alright.� I didn�t quite hear what he said, but I could tell that we were the targets. I asked him what he said and he told me who he was. I told him that I thought he worked for Dominos or something. We made small talk and he tried to convince me they had cool looking cheap shoes further in the store. I don�t think he understood my definition of cheap. We left.

Farscape was very good last night. Moya and Talon got back together. They are ships, not people. If you don�t know what I�m talking about, it would take too long to explain. But it was very good.

We did do a little more shoe shopping today. Target had these really neat suede, no-lace, track looking shoes. I really liked them. They were $20, but since I was really wanting some terribly freaky shoes and I only had a $50 budget, we waited on them.

We went to Plastic Shoe Source and I found some cool, imitation carbon fiber shoes. They are much freakier than I could have hoped for, and they were on sale for $16. I�m wearing them now.

I�m surprised at how cushy the sole is, almost as good as my Asics. They do seem a bit hot however, but then again, it�s around 82 here in the library. That�s 28 C.

We also went back to Target and got the suede shoes too.

Later we went to K-mart to get some towels for Aisai�s cousin�s housewarming thing tomorrow. I will not be attending. I commented to Aisai that there was a Subway there. I had seen the Subway sign from the street. Aisai said, �Not anymore.�

I then remembered that the Subway there, the Subway that we would frequent quite often, had burned down. We heard from a worker at the Subway on Old Madison Pike that the owner was pretty bad about having his places burn down.

Shortly after Aisai said, �Not anymore�, she said, �They only serve toast now.�

Aisai had been cooking some boneless skinless chicken breasts with jalape�os in the crock pot during the day. She made some wonderful tortilla soup while I watched the Summer Basho of Japanese Sumo.

There is this amazing kid named Asashoryu who, at age 20, really wowed me by beating Musashimaru, a yokazuna. Again, if you don�t understand, don�t worry. Asashoryu got an 11-4 in the basho.

Aisai is still watching The Hunger downstairs. About the time that Susan Sarandon�s lab found out she had inhuman blood in her veins, I looked at Aisai and asked, �Does David Bowie come back?� He doesn�t, so I stopped watching and came up here.

She just called me. Good spot to end. Oh, and my hand is feeling much better. I didn�t even wear a bandage today and haven�t yelped out in pain since that hand towel incident Friday morning.

Oh, and the entire house isn�t this hot either. Upstairs we rarely use and this computer puts off some serious heat. The upstairs thermostat is at 79 and downstairs is at 78, but downstairs doesn�t really get to hot since the cold air falls out of the loft.


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