Kill Me, Kill My Hand, You Nazi Snakes

My Hand! My Hand!


Later today�a surgeon�is going to �LOOK AT IT! AaaaaaAAaaAAAaaAAaa!

I�m a little stressed, sure. Sure. I am. I admit it. Somewhat stressed, that�s me. A little stressy.

I dreamed about poisonous snakes. But it didn�t really start there. I dreamed that I was collecting huge ants in a bag. And these were big, muncher, 7-inch long ants. Some were black and some were albino. They were very termite like� maybe they were termites. There was no one to really discuss the huge bugs with, so I didn�t have anyone to bounce thoughts about them off.

So, I get a bag o� bugs and then I�m talking to someone who, at this point in my wakened state, I have no details about. But while I�m showing them the bugs, a snake, a good six-foot long, very strong, snake jumps out of the bag.

I grab the snake and put it back, and conveniently dreamwise, the bag is mostly empty of bugs now and there are only like two or three of them on the floor.

The bugs were very clean and docile. Don�t get the wrong idea about the bugs.

Well, to make a very long, stupid dream, rather short, a great deal of the time after that was me sitting around wondering what I should do with this snake since someone told me it was a Cottonmouth. I looked in its mouth, like a stupid dream Postwood would do, and it was actually very light pink. Maybe a Cottoncandymouth snake.

So, now there are two snakes, and am I supposed to let these poisonous snakes go so they can bite the neighbor kids.

Then I�m at a portable classroom behind Mountain Gap Middle School, so I let them out.

I slept very hard last night. I knew I�d have dreams, because upsetting things happened at work. Not things that 90% of anyone would catch onto, but a certain possible neo-nazi keeps asking me weird questions. He was talking in German and doing little Hitler salute things, and when I disapproved (as if I wouldn�t!) he said that it was a Battlestar Galactica thing and he then went on to say that he watched a lot of Sci-Fi and started naming shows which he watched.

He said Farscape at one point. So I said, �Oh, man. When they split Crichton in two, I knew one of him was going to die.� And the nazi didn�t know what I was talking about. Liar, liar, pants on fire. Freak hate-monger.

So, I blame the neo-nazi for my bad dreams. When I first started working here, and really didn�t think the KKK existed, I had nightmares for a week.

I hate Alabama.

[I didn�t write about how Aisai and I met since I�d rather be in a good mood for that.]

Besides, the Cylons said, �By Your Command.� Not whatever Hitlerboy said. Grrr.


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