No Need For Questions. Part 1

Your Name: Postwood, but that's not my real name

Nickname: My father called me Buck when I was younger. I'm not sure that Aisai has any nicknames for me.

Birthday: October 18

Siblings: One female, older.

Zodiac sign: Libra, the boring scales.

Color of eyes: greeny browny, like everyones.

Height: 5'11.5'


Been in love: Yes, ask my wife.

Had an online romance: No

Gone out in public in your pajamas: Error, question does not contain valid parameters.

Cheated on a B/f or G/f: In high school, but since we didn't have a ring and a date, it wasn't cheating.

Kept a secret from everyone: Yes, we keep lots of things from others. If people really knew how we felt about them, there would be many more murders.

Had an imaginary friend: No. No, I haven't. [slowly backs away]

Wanted to hook up with a friend: What means this 'hook up'?

Cried during a Movie: Heck, I get all teary eyed turing Tenchi Muyo.

Had a crush on a teacher: I have had a definate lack of hot teachers in my life.

Done something stupid to impress your crush: Yes, always. It's a policy.

Found a cartoon character attractive: Yes, but not in the Jessica Rabbit sense.

Been on stage: Yes.

Gotten in a car accident: Been in, caused, not caused, passenger, driver, with a trailer with a rare car on it, in my home state, out of state, in the rain, in the dry, in 5000 lb cars, in 2300 lb cars, in other people's cars...yes, I have.


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