Lazy Postwood Quotes Ebert On Thunderstorms
Friday, Sept. 26, 2003

Another week goes by and I don't really update. So, here's a fun little snippet I just stole from Rodger Ebert. He's talking about a scene from some girly movie that Aisai, my wife, is planning on taking her mom to. The situation is so bad, her mom will actually watch any movie with Sandra Bullock in it.

Oh, well. Here:

As lighting flashed, windows banged open, rain poured in and the heavens vented their fury, it occurred to me what convenient storytelling devices thunderstorms are: They allow heroines to get wet, run from room to room in desperation, be surrounded by drama, and wake up the next morning to a perfect day -- all for free, without the slightest need to establish why the storm started or stopped. Any screenwriter seeking an exciting transition between two plot points is safe with a thunderstorm, which doesn't require dialogue or change anything, but gives the audience the impression something is happening.


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