Judge Moore Ain't No Emperor Xenu, Baby
Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

See, the problem with me writing another entry now is that I�m not taking notes or anything and I�m not actively thinking about what I�ll write. And, since I�m not writing much, this lame entry will be the top one for a long time.

And, if you�re looking for some good entries, look over there to the right. See that word ARCHIVE, yeah, click on that. I�ve changed the archive page so that all the titles I�ve ever written while here at diaryland are listed.

As usual, when I get �writer�s block�, it isn�t that I have nothing to write about, but too much. And really, it�s usually that I have something I want to say, but don�t feel that me saying it fits with my lil persona I�ve sculpted here on the internet (though I honestly have no idea how people perceive me).

That thing I didn�t want to write about and now I�ll catharsisize over is Stupid Old Judge Moore.

Now, if you�re not in los Estados Unidos, and it seems that only about half of my readers are, then you may not know about Judge Moore. He is a judge (duh) down in Montgomery, the capital of the state I live in. About a decade ago, he was issued a court order to remove a plaque of the ten commandments off his courtroom wall. And he did. And then he replaced it with a six-ton monument of the ten commandments on the courthouse lawn. It has gone to the supreme court of the United States and he has to remove it. This, for some reason, is controversial. I don�t see it that way. I see that Judge Moore is a grandstanding hypocrite. And, well, now let me just tell ya why.

I have this little thing about graven images. Oh, wait, lo and behold, there�s actually a lil commandment from the 10 about not doing that kind of crap. It�s number 2. And I know that some people will say, �Oh, but Postwood, it says for you not to make graven images of anything in heaven or on earth and then worship it.� Dude, Judge Moore has made a graven image of something he worships. And he spends more time talking about himself and his monument than he ever would about Jesus and salvation and stuff.

[Note: I�m not going to go on about how I, nor Judge Moore, have ever been a Jewish person living before the Messiah died. But, hey, we weren�t. Wake up and smell the Christianity, Moore.]

It�s easy to realize that Judge Moore thinks he�s being persecuted for the church and getting brownie points for it. Except that there is no command in the bible to make a monument, in fact there are those against it. And when the first century Christians were being killed off in crafty Romanesque ways, they were being killed not because they made some giant marble totem, but because they were teaching Jesus in people�s houses. It was a freedom of speech thing then, and guessy what? We do have freedom of speech here. Yay.

Now, it�s not an anti-religious thing going on here fueled by the state. It�s a separation of church and state thing since Moore installed his stone baby on government property. Now, if he wanted to get it seen, just put it in some place on the side of the road. Heck, renting a billboard would be cheaper (but wouldn�t have the premium grade idol feel). But it�s not people seeing it that Moore wanted, he wanted to bait the government.

Living in the south, the people here are by and large fairly ignorant of life outside of the south. Oh, yes, we get the newest Matrix movies and Big Brother 4, but people here tend to think that the US is the center of the universe and that the south actually means something, which it doesn�t (Houston has more people living in it than in Alabama, folks.) And having this narrow view makes them think that allowing the state to teach religion would mean that they�d teach the kind you want.

In fact, if they were allowed to teach the kind most people would want, I wouldn�t like it. Pardon me, but I�d rather look to the actual bible if I want to know what it says. Most people like The Church Show with Pastor Everything-be-alright. When what needs to be taught is what the bible says. Hey, don�t do the crime if you can�t do the time, bub.

And yes, I�m writing this in a very �Jesus is right� view. That�s cause I�m not a Buddhist or Scientologist or anything.

Yeah, I�ve checked out the prices of the private schools around. About $350 per month seems about average. But if the public schools started teaching about Body Thetans and Xenu, I tell ya, heck, we might even home school.

You ever think that maybe the reason that God didn�t want physical representations of his word was because people could mess with it. Heck, the only thing that ever was like that was the actual stone tablets, and when people messed with those, they got messed up (The Philistines took it for a while, not good things happened). I tell ya, it�s cool if you run over Barney or Elmo with a steamroller, but just dress a Jesus in drag and see what the Baptists will do.

And this whole image that people think is Jesus, where did this come from. Jesus had short hair, that was the norm back then. Heck, they were living among the Roman. Besides there are bible verses about conforming to the social norms and not being a total freak, and they mention what the norms were (that�s 1 Cor 11 for those playing the home game). And purple sash, puh-leez. He was a former carpenter going town to town teaching in the country sides and staying in friend�s houses. Wearing purple among the people he hung out with would be egotistical and rude (though yes, he did wear it once, when the Roman soldiers were beating him, they put one on to mock him).

And these people who see the virgin Mary in their pancakes. How do they know that Mary wasn�t overweight with a big old fro of frizzy hair? Huh?

One of the keys of Christianity is that it can infiltrate any government. Remember all that stuff in the bible about it spreading all over the world (and the Jewish people thought that this meant in a Military way). You don�t need fixed meeting places. You don�t need crazy robes and whatnot. Regardless of whether talking about it is illegal, you can still get by because the govt can�t monitor what happens in your house (though some fink will turn you in and then you�ll just be in jail, like Paul was).

Oh, and rock n� roll isn�t devil music either. Duh.


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