Palm Troubles: Part 43 or so.
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003

The fix I did for the IIIxe didn't last. It's not the ribbon cable. I'll be picking up a M125 on Friday (payday). It will work with my full sized keyboard. The M125 is smaller, the same speed, but has expansion ports.

So for $15 more, I can have a Palm with 24 megs rather than 8.

I'll buy it straight from Palm, so I'll have a warranty. The IIIxe was new, but since it went through an auction, all warranties are void.

I personally think that the Rom image is corrupted, but I can't find out how to flash a new rom to it, or get a rom image. And I sure don't trust any Kazaaed rom image. If I got this thing so I couldn't get it to hotsynch, I'd be done.

I might work on the IIIxe later. Aisai I'm sure would like it, if I could get it to work.


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