Sick Day and Zara
Friday, Jan. 31, 2003

If you read the entry I wrote yesterday before I deleted it, which was in a time frame between maybe two and seven central, you got to read a rambling description of what I thought I was sick with. Well, I was right, but let�s say it in two paragraphs this time.

First, I have a cold. But my cold has been hanging around since my body�s being hassled by me taking ephedrine to speed up my metabolism and lose fat quicker. And fat, not weight, since I�m on a cyclic ketosis diet, yadda yadda, who cares. But the active ingredient in decongestants is pseudoephedrine (note: I was taking ephedrine) so my nose was never runny. In fact, it was dry. My mouth was dry. My eyes were dry. And I was king of dehydration. It was only when I mentioned my eyes were dry to TC that I figured that out.

So, now, no more ephedrine since it seems to lower my immune response. I now am not dry, I am stuffed up. I think a gained a pound of mucus in my skull overnight. And, I�m home sick. And worst of all, my sims game has taken a horrible turn.

In the mode called Get A Life, you have certain objectives and then you move on. My sim is Deacon Frost. He moved out from Mom and lived with Dudley, who was a slob, and I finally figured out how to make Dudley my slave and have him cook for me before I woke up, etc. However, Dud wouldn�t clean anything or do anything remotely chore related. In fact, he never flushed the toilet. How irritating is that?

Well, Deacon had a 100 relationship with Betty, but sometimes Betty was odd and I never could throw a good enough party for her to be my roommate (Note: not all objectives make sense). Well, one day Zara came over. In one visit, Zara went from around six on the relationship scale to just under 50. On her second visit, we hit 100. Threw a party, bought lots of balloons, and boom, Deacon and Zara have a house.

Zara didn�t have a job, was super nice, and was a neat freak. Deacon was a military fighter pilot. She�d wake up with him at six and make breakfast while he used the Star Trek like Sonic Shower and then ate. They�d talk as they ate and then he�d go to work.

At first, Zara would study cooking. That was, until she became excellent at it. Sure, she could have gotten all the cooking points, but she had taken, without my suggestion, an interest in the electric guitar.

The first time she played it, Deacon booed her. The last time she played it, it was at the super big party that Deacon was throwing in order to �score� with May Partygirl. Zara had a crowd of people surrounding her cheering and dancing. Meanwhile Deacon, a character I wasn�t so thrilled with anymore, was getting married (thus the definition of scoring) to May.

Zara was perfect at guitar. I made her that way. She rocked all day when Deacon was at work. She was also a mechanical genius, able to fix things very quickly. Her logic was nearly perfect also, since she played chess by herself (meaning I didn�t command her and Deacon wasn�t playing with her). She had more logic points than Deacon, and it was required for his job. Same with charisma, she outranked Deacon. Same with everything except Body, but Deacon had risen through the ranks as a soldier.

For a breif period of time, before I realized Zara�s true purpose, I had her get a career in showbusiness. In three days, she was promoted three times. She was making within 100 dollars of Deacon in three days, and had started as an extra.

But, like a pig�s purpose is to make bacon, Zara�s real purpose was to help Deacon reach his goals. And after Deacon reached all the other goals, the only one left was to �Score with one of the party guests�. Zara helped Deacon get his relationship with Theresa, the geisha, by inviting her over for lunch and then going to bed when Deacon got home. I had to do this so that she wouldn�t get jealous. This made her wake up around midnight. And she would clean and study, or practice guitar as Deacon slept, and then would make him breakfast. When Deacon was at work, she�d call a few friends, then invite over Theresa.

This pattern of life was difficult for me to maintain with them. Occasional, I�d get bitter toward Deacon and Zara would get some treat. Like doing whatever she wanted while he starved or watching him chatting up some gal in the front yard until he collapsed on the ground in mid sentence. Ha ha ha.

But, Theresa wasn�t the right kind of party guest. Theresa�s last name was Thimblewit. It needed to be a Partygirl. May Partygirl was the one that seemed the most friendly to Zara. I needed this, so Zara could invite them over. It Deacon had to invite them over, he�d be tired by the time they showed up. Zara and Deacon were a team.

But May worked out. Zara is gone. Her name is actually gone from the game now. Deacon can�t even call Zara like he did Dudley.

Zara was a much better sim than Deacon ever was. This bothers me.

Aisai mocks me a little that it bothers me to treat a sim badly. Heck, she�s right, I�ve killed thousands in Grand Theft Auto. I�m sure 80% of those were innocents.

I would have gladly have had Zara continue my game and move into the big house with Carlos. After all, she slept with him (the action is �play in bed�) when Deacon was at work one day.

But now May and Deacon have two kids. Kara and some infant I don�t remember what I named it. Deacon works his fingers to the bone. May just has bony fingers. She is a slave to the kids. I have her sleep in a recliner next to the crib, which is in another room so deacon doesn�t have to hear it in the middle of the night.

Kara is my favorite character now. But I know she won�t grow up to me a normal sim. Or I don�t think she will. She is also brilliant.

But I hate May. And I�m not fond of Deacon.

Yeah, The Sims for PS2 is a good game. You could say that.


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