Snow Dammit

When we do get snow, we never get any warning from the weather people. Why? Because they have embarrassed themselves when the temperature doesn�t go below 35 degrees recently.

It snowed.

I decided to go to work.

On, one of the running jokes is that the Miata is the world�s worst car in the snow. This is due to it�s large wheels and thus large surface area of contact with the ground per body weight. I can say, with all honesty, that this is the case.

I slid off the road. Didn�t hit anything. And came back. Enough trying to get to work for me today.

Aisai was reading Sherry S. Tepper�s Grass while I played The Sims up until about 9:30. Then Aisai decided she�s drive to work. I thought this was a bad idea, but she said she�d judge when she got to the end of the subdivision.

To make a long story short, the thought it was fine.

She also was hit by a early 1990s Oldsmobuick. She called me up panicking. The guy hit and runned her and another car, what Aisai supposes was a green Geo Metro. The Metro went �looking for the guy.� Whatever. I told Aisia to call the police, call the insurance, and call work and tell them she�s not coming in. Then come back home.

The car can be fixed. It was stupid to try to drive on the ice.

Huntsville has one snowplow and it only clears around the hospitals. I say it has a snowplow, but it also has no skilled people to drive it. We live between Huntsville and Madison. We�ll never see that snowplow.

In any case, I�m forced to take vacation. Now we have a wrecked car again. Ho ho, don�t you love adventure.

In other news, we had out fingerprints done yesterday and got some more adoption papers done. I have six pages to fill out and then, I think, we�ve got everything for Agape. Then the home study will really start.

We then also start on the much more legalistic and complex CCAI paperwork. The Chinese govt is very picky. As an example, my three copies of my birth certificate must be notarized, authenticated by the county commissioner, authenticated by the state something, and validated in some way by the Chinese Consulate in DC. This is just one of the many things that need that.

Oh well.

Snow day. Whoo. :(


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