I'm a Ramblin' Man, Ramblin', Ramblin', I Tend To Ramble,Yeah

Yesterday was medium odd. I knew I�d be a little freaky all day when I just felt that desperate tired you feel in the middle of the night, usually accompanied by the dizzy sweats, starting in the morning. Though I wasn�t sweating. It�s actually cold.

Some people say, �Oh, Huntsville is so nice since you actually get all four distinct seasons in equal amounts.� Yeah, except that winter sucks.

Two things were significant at work yesterday:

I needed to file the old 2002 crap in hanging files and get them out of binders. But I don�t have any of those hanging file folder holder upper thingies in my filing cabinet that aren�t being used. Well, correction�I do, but it�s some piece of crap that was supposed to be the new hot thing.

Face it, filing systems don�t need a new hot thing. Leave my old cold things alone.

Well, I went and ripped one out of another filing cabinet. Cannibalization of office goods is common when there is a vacant office. When I got this job, in my office was only my desk, which has three legs attached and the other, while disconnected, holds the desk up because it loves me, a pile of random documents looking for a garbage can, and two staple removers. At the time my coworkers claimed they hadn�t cannibalized it after �Charlie� had been fired (for being a loser).

Well, the frame was the wrong size. Princess Fluffy is ordering me three that will fit.

And speaking of being fired, at Aisai�s work, two people got fired for running a business out of the Underground Lair�s offices. We had that happen here before I showed up. Though the slime who ran the department managed to get 1.3 million dollars out of it, and then sued the city for eventually firing him, and won.

The south is full of corruption.

I lost my train of thought.

I stayed up until 11:30 watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I didn�t finish it though. I got too tired. I wake up every day at 5:30 and have been burning the candle at both ends, and flicking matches at the middle of it.

The next thing I�m looking forward to is The Sims for my PS2. Aisai and I will eat out at Little Rosie�s tonight, which I fear is one of those Velveeta Mexican places. It�s the weekend, so I finally get some carbs. Yeah.

Oh, and I worked out my chest really hard yesterday and I�m swollen up a little. I�ve got titties. How embarrassing. I don�t think anyone notices though.

Oh, and speaking of irritating. The movie Solaris evaporated from the theaters before I got around to seeing it. That�s always the case. You wait to see something until after all the good stuff comes out and it�s gone. Just like The Tick and Greg The Bunny.

Fox executives are morons. I obviously won�t be watching Firefly tonight. How on earth can Fastlane survive when shows like those mentioned above can�t? Heck, Fastlane had it�s Tubbs character line dancing (primitive western thing) in the freakin� pilot.

Man, and now I�ll never see any more instances of �Two by two with hands of blue�.

I need to sleep.

And play more video games.


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