Capcom's Present That Won't Give

Right now, I�m a little frustrated. You see, Capcom, makers of the Playstation 2 game Auto Modellista, a game that I have been drooling over screen shots of for about a year, has sent me an email. The title of this email is �Auto Modellista Online Beta Invitation.� And yes, it�s what it says it is. It�s an invitation for people in my situation to test their latest creation online.

Auto Modellista is a cell shaded game. That means it renders the objects so that they look like a hand drawn cartoon. It�s perfect in that respect. Beautiful. The screen shots, taken from fast gameplay, can be looked at and the subtle textures and bold lines appreciated as art.

I go to the site that I�ve been invited to and start filling in info. When it gets to the page about what the serial number of my PS2 is, I go downstairs and look. The serial number is U0474787, and there is another number, PT104747870. I give the registration for the U number. It doesn�t like it. That�s an invalid number it says. I give it the PT number. Nope. I see that the PT number and the U number are similar. I try every variation imaginable. Nope.

And when I say I give it that number, I did so with the U leading. I need to try without the U, just in case Capcom is weird.

[Time Passes]

Nope. �This serial number is invalid.�

I�ve tried putting the U in place of the PT. I�ve tried putting the PT in place of the U. I�ve tried putting the 0 from the PT number at the end of the U number. I�ve tried putting the 1 of the PT number on the U number. I�ve tried everything. Everything. Everything I could think of.

I can say, with all certainty, after both I and my wife have checked it, that the serial number to my Playstation 2 is U0474787. It is this number without fail. That�s what it is. I�m assuming that the PT number is a part number. Sounds valid. Who cares if it�s a part number or not, the fact is that Capcom�s crappy registration site won�t accept either the serial number or the part number.

Aisai askes a good question, �Well, can�t you email them?� No. I can�t. They say that you shouldn�t respond to the email and that if you have a question go to Yeah, that�ll be all about my beta testing.

The thing about beta testing is that no one knows about it and there is no info on the internet about it. When Sony had me test Twisted Metal: Black, it wasn�t like this. Everything worked. When Sony had me test that crappy Tribes 2: Arial Assault, it was fine. Well, the registration and playing was fine, the game sucked mad.

Now, I�m one of the few, the proud, the people with network adapters where I don�t really seen any fun games on the network. Yeah, fun for others, but I�m car drivin�, crime simulation guy.

That said, I never really want to see a Grand Theft Auto Online. One super powerful guy in town is enough. Me.

So, there you go.


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