It's The Little Things In Life, Like Static

Aisai and I didn�t end up going shopping last night. I thought I was getting a migraine but we�ll never know since I took some Moomooset, or whatever, and also ate some food at the same time. I hadn�t eaten anything since lunch and hunger is also a migraine trigger in some people. I was worried it was the peanut butter.

But, and I may have already mentioned this, Aisai reminded me that the kernel of the peanut [meaning not either half, but the little pip] is the part of the peanut which triggers headaches and migraines in some people and all high end peanut butter manufacturers remove the kernel. So I can have peanut butter, but not peanuts, if I want to be safe.

Since we didn�t go shopping, we don�t have coffee at work here today. I meant to pick some up. I knew that The Director would go fetch some. I had some instant Latte to coast off. Actually, since I�m doing a bit of a keto diet now, I actually had sugar free fat free Caf� Vienna of the Taster�s Choice International Instant Crap variety. It�s actually pretty good, but that�s because it doesn�t taste like coffee, or even try.

Well, my normal coffee tumbler that I drink my coffee in is not one that lends itself to having things mixed in it. I drink my coffee black and the tumbler that I use is about 7 inches tall with a 2.2 inch diameter opening in the top. I do have a chopstick that I use to stir things, but that height and diameter combo makes mixing very difficult. So I find my old 7-11 mug.

The 7-11 mug is a bit of a novelty for me since there aren�t any 7-11�s around here. I just used the internet to find where the nearest one is. Actually, there is one 13.9 miles away in Lacey�s Spring [which the internet forgot the apostrophe]. Most people around here call it Lacy Springs anyway. Hmm, I never knew. I think they are probably using the name illegally since I don�t think there are any 7-11s anywhere nearby. Ah, yes, went to and the nearest �7 Eleven� to us is in Park Hills, Missouri, 304 miles away. That doesn�t mean we don�t get Big Gulp ads on the WB.

The 7-11 mug hasn�t been used in a while and has some white powdery residue on it. Very clean looking residue, not dust like. I�m guessing it�s scale from microwaving water in it. I take a dry paper towel and scrub out the inside. After I microwave some water in my Speedway [another conveineince store chain we don�t have and thus it becomes novel to have one of their plastic cups] gigantic cup, I get ready to make some instant coffee.

I scoop up some powder and drop it into the 7-11 mug and the powder goes everywhere. Now, I dropped it right in the middle, I didn�t spill any, but it jumped all over the place even landing outside the mug. I drop in the second scoop. What�s going on here? I have a bonified mess. The entire inside of the plastic cup is coated with dust and there is dust clinging to the outside of the cup too. Then I notice the spoon.

It�s like a poltergeist moment, well, if I didn�t know that I caused the static electricity myself with that paper towel bit. My metal spoon has �filings� of latte powder extending in radial spikes off the edge of it. They�re about 3 mm long. Very cool. Until I get it away from the cup and then they fall on my bookshelf. Grr.

One more scoop and in goes the hot water. Yay, instant fake coffee.

The Director did go get some. While he was out, one of the long timer secretaries came in with one of the big cans. So now I�m drinking my normal black coffee again.

In Vice City, I had to kill Diaz. Not just because he stole the Mafia�s money, who I�m allegedly loyal to [Yeah, right.], but also because he kidnapped and beat up Tubbs, or Lance, whatever his name is. Actually, kill freakin� Lance, I know he betrays me later. And sure enough, as soon as the rescuing and all is over, Lance calls on the phone whining. Sheesh. I�m going to start working for Love Fist [British band that needs copious drugs] which I think will get me to the bank heist quicker. Once I work the heist with Gary Busey, then I can do the missions for him. I�d like to get all that done before I have to kill my Mafia buds and Lance.

But now, today, I have to do chores, like in real life, around the house. If we can get enough taken care of before the end of the day, I might be able to see Lord Del Rings on Thursday afternoon. We have the party on Friday, so if we don�t see it then I�ll have to wait until Saturday.

But today, in Vice City, I plan on buying the �used car� dealership from the murderous former football player who is obviously patterned after OJ. Then I�ll steal cars for a while. I might score some stuff for Love Fist too. But I�m trying to take the missions slow.

And I figured out how to steal the Apache helicopter off the military base? Very quickly.


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