Hurt Again and Freaky Dreams while Oversleeping

Typing hurts again, just for the record.

Yesterday when I got off work, I really wanted to skate. But since my trucks were way too tight and this had caused me to fall on my already hurt arms on Monday, skating would be very stupid. So, when I got home, I adjusted my trucks and started doing old school 180s on the carpet.

Then I decided to work out my back. Front shoulder pulldowns were easy enough. I managed to add 10 lbs to what I did last time. Lat rows were easy too, and I upped that 20 lbs. I think I was cookin� since I had taken so much time off. Then the low back extensions, piece o� cake since I�m gradually raising the weight so I don�t kill my back.

The shoulder pulldowns and the lat rows require me to actually hold the cable handles. This would be my weak link since I trashed my arms and wrists.

If you really want to know what is dead, sit down, Indian style, and lead back supporting yourself with your hands. Feel the muscles of your forearms which are working, those don�t work for me right now. To really illustrate what�s gone, get into pushup position. I know there are lots of muscles working, but think only about the ones in your forearms. I can barely hold myself up in �I�m a dog� position.

Aisai was home by the time I finished working out and I wanted her to see my frontside 180 so I whacked the coffee table with my board. Dang it. I didn�t hit anything when she wasn�t there. I showed her a frontside and then worked on my backside 180 (which is rarely over a 90) until I almost broke the glass in front of the fireplace. Aisai didn�t see that.

We fended for ourselves and so I hard boiled 14 eggs and ate five of them. Then we went to church.

At church, about halfway through the lesson, my forearms started really hurting. Aisai could tell I�d screwed them up again since I couldn�t stop moving them. They hurt and I wanted to get them comfortable, but there was no comfortable. I got three ibuprofen from Aisai and took those dry. I guess they helped.

Got home, watched Amazing Race where the Harvard Gal�s cheated and were thrown off. What losers too. Just goes to show you that you don�t have to be smart to go to Harvard. My wife reads Television Without Pity and early on the gals said they were going to �use their good looks to their advantage� in the race. Television Without Pity pointed out that to use looks to your advantage, you have to have them.

I slept last night, as is my norm. But rather than waking at 5:30 and hopping up like a cheery cartoon squirrel and getting ready for work, I stayed in bed. My internal clock alerted me at 6:45ish to call in and say I�d overslept. Back to bed, and I dreamed.

I dreamed I was at work, but the entire plant to the south of �Vermont� was gone and it was all woods. As I was driving into the parking lot, which then turned into me being on foot with a camera, I saw a golden retriever and a young bear. The young bear was as big as me, brown, and in our lil parking lot. I took a picture. Heck, I think I took about ten. Then I noticed there were elk and about everything else woodlandy running all over the place. It wasn�t a mob of them, but there were about 1000x more wildlifes than you�d normally see (which is about none, usually).

I went inside the office and on that coffee table where the fat fat fatties like to put the donuts that they can gluttonize on was a big spread of food. All kinds. They had chocolate things and I ate one.

That was one of the first things that started making me doubt the reality of this dream. It was very vivid and it didn�t occur to me that it was a dream.

I went back outside and the operators and other employees were leaving for the day. And some were going out of their way to hit the animals. One guy even ran his car, which looks suspiciously like the car that Superfly drove, into the woods to try to get this massive elk. It really bothered me. I took pictures.

Back inside and I�m looking at all the food. I realize that I ate chocolate. Why did I do that? The last time (in real life) that I even ate a half a zero bar, which says on the wrapper only 2% chocolate, I still got a migraine. I realize it�s a dream, and wake.

It�s now 8:30 and Aisai is sitting on the bed putting on makeup. I wake slowly, and then finally get up.

Since I didn�t scoop litter at my normal time and the box had too many poopies in it, Zapato has peed on the linoleum in front of the boxes. I clean it, take a shower, shave for the first time since Sunday, get dressed and have my protein drink. I head out to the garage and realize I don�t have my contacts in.

It�s going to be overcast all day, so I just wore my glasses. If I knew I�d wear my glasses, I would have dressed in greys and earthtones and not shaven, for that �I am a Russian scientist, call me Vlad� look.

My office looked like the cleaners had been slam dancing in it. But I�m in a good mood since momo told me that I was cool in my stuff�rum (guestbook). Go in there, I put a link to an interview with Alex Chalmers.

I tell ya, in a few years, Alex Chalmers name will be as well known as�as Bucky Lasek�s.


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