What's The Deelio?

After being sick last Thursday and Friday, I�m back at work. I only had one message on my voicemail, though I do have a stack of papers I have to wade through.

Aisai got an upper respiratory viral infection two weeks ago and fought with it and fought with it. This ended up with her getting three prescriptions and finally winning against it. Well, before she won, I got it. I could tell on Wednesday and by Thursday morning I felt like baked crap.

I had some magnesium, zinc, and calcium pills that I took, trying to get the zinc to fight with it. I also took my multivitamin and every four hours would take 2400% of the USRDA of vitamin C.

And I started playing Grand Theft Auto 3 again. There�s nothing like racing a hummer through busy streets, scraping and knocking the Dodge K-cars around, occasionally running over an old lady or a factory worker, and having your wife say, �You�re really good at driving in this game.�

And I am.

Heck, it took me weeks to get to where I am in GTA3 now. Actually, that�s not true, as I�ve never done it this well.

I started off collecting the hidden packages. I got the 31 that are available on the first island before the second is unlocked which gave me a free Colt 45s, Uzis, and grenades at my hideout. Then, I stole a police car and played as a vigilante and got two permanent police bribes at my hideout. Something I�d never done. Then I aced all the Portland missions, easily.

Well, I say all the Portland missions, but I never worked for El Burro or Marty Chonks [the owner of Bitchin� Dog Food] this time. And it�s too late now. Both of them require me to go into the Italian�s territory, and I can probably make it about three blocks before they manage to blow up my vehicle with me in it at this point. That happens when you kill Salvatore Leone.

But that�s what I�ve been doing, being sick and playing GTA3. I haven�t done my weight routine since Wednesday, unfortunately, but I did manage to score some free flax seed oil from Aisai�s mom. She tends to go for health things that some website endorses and then unendorses so she stops using it.

Oddly, both the flax and the CLA which I�ll probably inherit around tomorrow are both things which will bulk you up. In fact, I think flax isn�t recommend for gals since it boosts the production of testosterone. CLA, it was a big surprise to see that in her empty or undesirable supplement area, as that�s a great supplement for body building, but I don�t think she really wants to bulk. I think that it was recommended at her thyroid forum and then the doctor who recommended it withdrew her recommendation.

But I�ll keep up with the Blowfex recommended body building workout today. I�ll switch to a different routine that I�m still refining when October comes around. Thursday should have been leg day. I think I�ll pick up where I left off since leg day is pretty easy and I�m still not 100%.

I need to download that stretching PDF from the Navy�s OCS site. I noticed that I�m even less flexible than usual now that I�m working out and not stretching before or after.

So, what�s the plan for this week?

Tonight we go to my parents house and give my dad his lil� present we got for him. I think we�ll also pick up a cheesecake (or as Aisai said, �Un Gato du Fromage!� to which I replied, �The cheese cat?�). Tue/Thur are Aisai�s days for class, so I�ll play GTA3. Wednesday�s church night. I�ll need to buy some Big Spring Jam tickets sometime this week from the HR office downtown. I can get them for $25, which may or may not be any kind of savings at all. Friday we�ll probably have my nephew Brad�s birthday, and afterward see Nickelback (I wonder if the lead singer will feel better about his father by that time?). Saturday is painting and gardening in the day and seeing Default and Saliva at night. And Sunday night will be the band I want tickets for the weekend for, Filter. Oooh, yeah.

As far as TV goes, it�s a prime week. CSI: Miami starts today and is sure to be a hit, though perhaps not in my genre. Also today we get a new Tony Hawk�s Gigantic Skate Park Tour documentary. We�ll get another new one at midnight tonight, then midnight Tuesday, then Best of shows on Thursday and Friday mornings at midnight. I�ll dump a few of these to videotape for Brad, who is a Tony Hawk fan.

Actually, he�s more a Kareem Whatshisname fan, from THPS2. Brad�ll be getting THPS3 from Aisai�s mom BTW.

Tuesday gives us a new Smallville and new Buffies. Wednesday is the finale of Big Brother and the beginning of the regular season of Enterprise (as they had a cliffhanger finale this last Wednesday (but I recorded it yesterday)). Thursday, just more Squirrelvivior, and Friday, that show Hack starts. I can�t see this as being too good, and I�m not sure it matters since I have to get Firefly, John Doe, and Monk on Friday. It�s arguably the best day of TV if you�re me.

Though I can�t see John Doe hanging on for long.

And next Wednesday we�ll get Amazing Race 3 starting.

And if you want to know the #1 website that Aisai goes to:


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