
More often than not, in my dreams, my new car, my Miata, the Black n� Tan, The Schwartz Car, shows up. And usually, I�m not driving it.

A recurring theme is trying to move it from one place to another without damaging the paint or getting it wet. Being dreams, they don�t have to make any sense and generally I�m picking the car up and moving it by hand. If I�m having to cross a small stream, I can generally pull the car up above my waist, like it was an inner tube type float or something, with my legs sticking out of the bottom, and wade through the water.

Last night, I had to put it through two doorways. I think the first doorway was at the skating rink that I used to work at in the 80s, specifically my first year of college. By the way, there are other professions where you can be around irritating kids and get paid more. In other words, don�t do it, it�s a trap.

It wasn�t so hard getting the Miata through the door there, I had two other people helping me and the dream Miata only weighs about 130 pounds. It�s just a little awkward.

The second doorway was, I think, in a cave or something. It was an irregular opening. I don�t remember if the car ever went through.

I also dreamed that, while driving some other car, I wrecked two times on the street my parents used to live on, Bluewood.

First, I wrecked what I think was an Oldsmobuick into the neighbor�s brick mailbox. Then I ran off the road at the lot on the corner, which has a very steep downward slope to the yard, and slid into the house. By the time I was explaining it to my dad, or some other nearby authority figure of dreamland, my car was actually in a trench dug to put utilities into the house.

Yesterday at Tom�s, while the older guys were inside killing indiscriminately in Grand Theft Auto 3, the gals were outside by the pool, and the topic of dreams came up. Aisai mentioned, and even I didn�t know this, that in her dreams she curses like a sailor. Teri�s mom mentioned that she tends to be ultra violent to people in her dreams. Aisai�s mom and Teri both said they tend to run away from people in their dreams.

When Aisai told me, I said, �Yeah, people like Teri�s mom.� Aisai told me she though that was funny and wished she had thought to say that at the time.

Oddly, Teri�s mom said that she avoids violent TV shows and movies since she doesn�t want to feed this. I personally think that it�s more than likely the news, which is ten times more horrific than any fake nasties we can pull off in GTA3. Also, with all the pressures of the world and no escapism violence via video games or action shows, I just can�t imagine it.

However, generally those movies which just bathe in the troubles of the world tend to make money too. I, personally, prefer escapist flicks.

Don�t bring me down with the world, I get enough while I�m living.


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