All About Aisai, My Wife

This was filled out by her.

1) Name: Aisai

2) Birthday: June 9, 1971

3) Hometown: Huntsville, a rare native

4) What are your plans for today?: Complete month end processes at work, go to church, prepare to goof off tomorrow.

5) What time is it? 7:42am.


6) Called you: An Austrailian telemarketer, who, when told I wasn�t interested in the Smoky Mountains proceeded to make a strange �eh� noise at me. I said, �Right!Bye!�

7) Slept in your bed? Velvet, my little cat.

8) Saw you cry? Postwood.

9) Made you cry: The producers of �Mole II�, when the two girls didn�t think they were going to get to see their loved ones at all.

10) Spent the night at your house: No one besides Postwood and the cats.

11) You shared a drink with: Mom, I stole sips of her IBC Cream soda� nummy.

12) You went to the movies with: Postwood, we saw Minority Report and Lilo & Stitch on the same day. Should we go see MIBII? It�s a difficult question.

13) You went to the mall with: hmm, does the new one that�s not open count? If so, then Mom, if not then it�s Postwood. I try to avoid the energy zapping atmosphere.

14) Yelled at you: It may have been a co-worker, but she really wasn�t yelling at me, just near me.

15) Sent you an e-mail: Postwood.


16) Danced naked?: Not publicly.

17) Dreamed something really crazy and then it happens the next day?: It wasn�t the next day.

18) Stalked someone?: Nope.

19) Had a mud bath? I wish.

20) Wished you were the opposite sex?: Never in a thousand million years. One of these days, I plan on not working. In general, that�s not an option for men.

21) Had an imaginary friend: Not that I remember.

22) What time is it now? 7:51am.


23) Apples or Bananas? Ick. I don�t like fruit in general. But, bananas, I guess.

24) Red or Blue? Blue. So restful.

25) Backstreet Boys or *N Sync: Let me just say, �EWWW�. Neither. Yucko. Feh.

26) Spring or fall? : Spring, I love the color of new leaves and you still get to wear sweaters. Plus, it�s not too hot yet. Until May at least.

27) Cow or pig? : I like cows. Preferably, the Belted Galloway or Jersey. My dad said that Jerseys are the best cows, good natured and graceful as deer.

28) Week or Weekend? : Weekend, mostly, unless I�m doing something interesting at work. Like balancing accounts, I like that.

29) University or college?: Neither really, but I�m attend a community college. For some reason my work wants me to take some accounting classes. The nerve!


30) What is your dream? : Baby. Biological or adopted.

31) Do you have a boy/girlfriend?: No, thanks.

32) What time is it now? 7:59am.

33) What are you going to do after this survey: Update A/R accounts.

34) How many of your buddies are online?: I don�t do that stuff.

35) Last movie you saw:?: In theaters, Lilo & Stitch. On TV, Lady in a Cage.

36) Last noise you heard: My stupid CPU fan, which sounds like it�s about to burn out.


37) Laughs the weirdest?: Rikki. But it�s a good boisterous laugh.

38) Is the nicest? Postwood, my sweetie.

39) Is the best? : In general? Postwood.

40) Have you known the longest? Postwood.

41) Knows you the best: Postwood

42) Is the funniest?: Postwood. People tell me �He must just keep you laughing all the time!�

43) Who's the quietest? Zapato

44) Who do you have the most classes with?: I don�t have classes with my friends.

45) Will fill this out and send it back the soonest?: I haven�t sent it to anyone.

46) The last birthday party you went to? : Poolphish�s, on Sunday.

47) The last time you went out of the country?: 1996

48)Lucky #: I don�t really have one.

49) What time is it now?: 9:15a.m. , I�ve been in staff meeting.

50) Do you have a crush?: Nope.

51) When was the last time you felt like you just wanting to tell someone something?:

Like an urgent message? This morning.

52) Do you have your license?: Yes.

53) Have you ever went skinny dipping?: I�ve also been skimpy underwear swimming.

And regret it.

54) Have you ever been south of Sweden?: Yup.


55.) How would you describe a best friend?: He looks just like Postwood.

56.) What, if anything, would you change about yourself?: I�d pierce my tragus. Or maybe not. Lose a little weight. More self confidence. I�d up my confrontational skills. Hmm, I�d be happy with 20/20 vision and the ability to wrap myself in a bio-mechanoid skin and fight crime.

57.) Are you a virgin?: Not for a while now.

58.) If you could pick out the chorus of a song that best describes you: �she�s a brick, hoWWWse� har har har

59.) Who is your Role Model?: Wolverine

60.) If you could repeat one year in your life what year would it be?: The year I went back to school instead of staying in a job that gave Postwood a 50% break on tuition. I should have kept working. Sigh.

61) What would be the one thing you would take on a desert island?: A yacht. Not on the island, next to it.

62) What are your plans for next year? : Work, take classes, have a baby, take a great vacation (Italy/Greece?).


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