
Let�s get rid of any unhappy ending by having an unhappy beginning.

The bunny is dead. And Aisai thinks it�s my fault. Which I suppose it is.

Yesterday, Aisai gets out of class early since she was one of the three in the class that actually did their homework. We go to Applebee�s and I get the Honey Pepper Steak which wasn�t as good as when I had it Monday and spending nearly $40 on a meal makes me feel stupid. We swing by the house and Aisai puts her take-home box in the fridge and we head to Hel-Mart, buy stuff, but very little food, and then get home.

When we get home, the next door neighbor cat is attacking something in the Juniper. Or at least trying to. At one point I get a good look at it, or so I thought, and conclude that it�s a big rat. Aisai and I stand around trying to help Kiddo get the rat. I even video it.

When Kiddo does get the rat, it�s a baby bunny and we take the bunny away from him.

Into the house, into the master bathroom, close the door, put the bunny in the tub.

He didn�t seem damaged. He�s really scared. Aisai picks him up and inspects him. He�s got a little blood on his face and a scratch on his eye.

Aisai wants to keep him inside so he can�t get hurt. I want to put him in Mama Bunny�s tall grass, a area we know has a mother bunny living in it. This is probably one of hers.

Aisai lets me take the bunny out and I put him in the tall grass. Kiddo is trailing us, but Aisai takes him and moves him into the front yard where he found the bunny in the junipers. He seems content to look for the bunny there.

I feel bad and think about the bunny. Not that I let him go, but that I was rooting for Kiddo to kill him for such a long time when I thought he was a rat.

Aisai calls me at work this morning, mad and yelling at me. Kiddo has killed the bunny and is eating him now. Aisai blames me.

When I called her back later, I mentioned that I wouldn�t be yelling at her if we had done her plan and he was dead when we woke up in the morning. She agrees.

I�m also not sure that it�s my bunny. It sounds like Aisai saw the dead bunny in the front yard. Perhaps Kiddo got the dead bunny from the same place he go the live one last night.

In other news, there is a mouse poopy on my drafting table here at work. Looks like the age of the rats has started again.

[We had a serious mouse infestation a few years back. I didn�t dig the smell, but the cute little babies would run across the baseboards and look so cute.]

Tonight, Aisai�s birthday at her mom�s house. Tomorrow, nothing planned, maybe see Spiderman again.

* * *
I just got home from work and took a look at the carnage of little Mr. Bunn's demise. Feathers everywhere.

Kiddo didn't get the baby bunny. It was a bird.


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