General Tso's Crap or Orange Sugar-Oil Chicken

So, it�s Thursday, huh?

So far, the foods been mediocre at best. Rather than eat my strawberry protein drink, since I didn�t have a clean beater, I got two breakfast burritos at McDonalds.

I cannot describe the different ways that they mess those things up. Today, however, I had the classic �tortilla is hard in areas so it cracks when you try to put hot sauce on it� on one and �The tortilla is stuck to itself and some cheese: Impossible to open� on the other. However, good thing; the lady gave me four packets of hot sauce rather than just two, so I could have two packets on each.

And that name, hot sauce, is such a misnomer for what is handed out. It should be called Some Flavor Packets. Because, really, it just adds Some Flavor.

Then, for lunch, I walked through a conversation with Labman and TC when they were deciding where they�d get takeout. �Chinese if you can�t think of anything better,� said Labman. �Chinese...� responded TC.

�Ooh, ooh,� said me.

Unfortunately, I�m very spoiled by the Chinese place we go to next to the Kroger�s on Huff Road. I got the General Tso�s [or Cho or Chow, some stinkin� General] Chicken. Now, if I�d gotten it at home, it would be great. But here, at Great Wall, where Labman went, I got Orange Sugar Oil Chicken.

What is with the Orange? Heck, let�s just be honest about how fake this crap is and color it blue. Or if you�re giving me nasty syrup, make it 100% pure maple. That would be better.

In fact, chicken with maple syrup and steamed rice sounds just fine. But, hey, not for me, cause I don�t like the sweet.

Aisai was sick last night [and the day before and today] so she didn�t go to church. And what did she do...she watched the season finale of Enterprise without me. Man!

I�m a little fired up, not by that, but because a while ago I went to do a facility inspection of sorts and was treated badly. They didn�t stall at the beginning so much, as when I identified myself and who I represented [government entity you don�t want to hear from] Mr. Ownsthecompany said, �Take a seat, I�ll be with you in a little while.� And he walked off.

A minute later I let the secretary know that I would be required to log the amount of time that I was made to stand there since it had exceeded five minutes. This will be part of his permanent record.

After 12 minutes, I started to wonder what the deal was, so I called my boss on my cell phone and found out that this is just a little nothing visit to see if they have their ducks in a row since we expect a certain important duck has not been rowed. Concerning the waiting, wait no more. Get Mr. Ownsthecompany or another representative to take you now. Ok, boss.

I go in and tell the pretty lady [she�s a pretty lady... *] that I need to see Mr. Ownsthecompany or another representative if he�s unavailable to show me the three areas that I requested. Oddly, Mr. Ownsthecompany wasn�t doing jack and was able to tell me to wait longer as he was on the way out the door...

Hmm...It�s about 12:40 pm...What do people leave the office to do around that time? Oh, yes, lunch. I�m not sure if I mentioned that Mr. Ownsthecompay tended to act like a jerk.

...I let him know the time schedule thing and repeated who I worked for. I told him what sites I needed to see and he said he could show me. �Let�s go then,� I said.

Sure enough, they didn�t have an oil water separator. Morons. I don�t think he was stalling so he could have a contractor install one in the 15 minutes he made me wait. I think he was just rude.

Two rules of my job:

1. You can�t let the industry contact know you�re coming.

2. The industry contact must not stall you more than five minutes and cannot lie.

Oh, and the washing machine got fixed, $95. And Aisai went shopping without me, and we have to go again, since she didn�t get the car washy type stuff for me to do her car on Saturday and I forgot to tell her to get me some toothpaste [with baking soda in it, please] and some Tavist [or Equate Dailyhist].

The crew is coming over to play cards tonight. But, tomorrow, Aisai and I don�t have to go to her cousin�s high school graduation. Whoo hoo.

I know what some of you are saying, and I just don�t use the word �whom�.

*This bit of humor was for Aisai. She will laugh out loud remembering the Home Movies with this in it.


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