Chocolate Zombie Cat Brain Database Crash: EIEIO [sing it!]

So, yesterday, at 3:10, Cartoon Woman comes to me and asks me if I have a minute. I get off work at 3:15, so I tell her that I have exactly five. It actually took longer than five to witness the personnel database eat itself for the second time in the last month.

The Director is back today. He was off Monday through Wednesday since his father died. I planned to tell him that I forgot about the meeting I was supposed to go to, representing the department, after I said that I was sorry about his dad. He said, �That�s OK.� which is what I assumed he would say. After all, how can you get mad at someone who just said, �Sorry about your dad.�

I got home and...guess what?...collected the remaining hidden packages on the second island in GTA3. Aisai got home later than usual since she had all those medical tests during the day.

Ends up that the peripheral vision in her left eye is decreasing, but not in a �you got a tumor on ya� way. She had an MRI last night too. I chatted it up with the techs for a while and they flipped through images of Aisai�s brain. It made me think zombie, brain eating, thoughts.

Actually it didn�t.

I went to the snack machines to get a diet drink and there was a large fellow who had his cheetos dangling precariously from the twirly thing. It was the darn pork rinds, or whatever, that was in the next tray that was holding his cheetos in with it�s corner. We tried shaking the machine, but it was bolted to the floor. I got a Diet Mountain Dew. I think he was deciding to pay another 70 cents and get two rather than have none for 70 cents.

After the MRI, we got home and Teri and Aisai�s mom had both called. Seems we never tell anybody anything and Teri had learned of Aisai�s MRI and the other three tests from my stuffo [aka, what you�re reading]. Teri also mentioned that she knew what had triggered my migraine on Sunday.

It was the Hershey�s miniature dark chocolates. Yep, dark chocolate can trigger migraines and it all makes sense since that is the only thing that I don�t eat on a regular basis that I had on Saturday.

When I got out of my car this morning, I realized that the cat prints that were all over my car once I picked it up from the shop, but have now been washed off, also extended to the inside of the car. There are two dirty little paw prints on my driver side door inside the glass.

Oh, but I have the parts to remake the personnel database so that it will be in the same query/report/form structure as it was in October 2001 but with the data from March 22, 2002. I was only able to do this since I hadn�t emptied my recycle bin on my desktop.



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