Survivor 4's Hunter vs. Jason X et al

So, what�s up? I�m listening to that mostly Daft Punk mini-CD again, basically because I really like that song they are advertizing the new Blade Movie with, �Name of the Game� by The Crystal Method.

I am getting Daft Punked out however.

When I got home yesterday, I checked to see if the person I had a Battledome tournament fight was online and he wasn�t so I played a little Wolfenstein. Aisai made Poppychick for both us and the lady who had back surgery�s family. When our food was ready, Aisai called me and I checked and the dude was online.

I killed him in two moves. I tell ya, work on your weapons before your stats.

Poppychick was really good since Aisai didn�t use �lite� sour cream or anything. But I felt bloated, after all, I had McDonald�s for breakfast, oily and orange Chinese for lunch, and now real Poppychick.

I had made driving directions off my mapping program at work. �Parkway north through Meridianville. When grassy median dividers start again, first left is Monroe. Second left is Piper.� It wasn�t written out like that exactly, as I don�t have to write in real English when making notes to myself.

There wasn�t enough time between that and church to go back home, so we stopped by Aisai�s mom�s house. She didn�t know that Survivor was coming on a day early. She started her VCR recording �channel 9� before we left.

A friend of mine who doesn�t usually go do church showed up at church. Curtis, not a formal minister but actually an engineer who is really knowledgeable, is teaching a history of the bible translations class. I was hoping no weird stuff would happen since first impressions count quite a bit. The only freakishness was that the kid who sits in front of us had some serious BO, but that was only in the quickie mini-sermon up front.

One of the college age girls was like the Looney Toons widow hen when she saw my friend. It wasn�t quite �A Man!� said in a deep Montgomery [Mont-gumreh] accent, but it came close. I don�t think NASA Contact, for that is the friend who showed up, was terribly overwhelmed until after class when the college age kids and coordinators descended on me as to what is going on tonight.

Tonight, Aisai will bowl for the first time. Yes, bowling, with the heavy smooth ball with three holes and the ten pins. Last night on the way home, I was trying to figure out if it was ten or fifteen pins, whether the back row had four or five.

When we got home, we had the new Survivor and a Coming Attractions, the show of movie previews that E! puts on. The preview of Jason X looks really good, in a bad, sci-fi camp kind of way. My favorite part was when the guy reassures his peers after a tense bit �It�s OK, It�s OK! He only wanted his machete back.� Ha ha ha. It�s a close running with the end of the trailer where one girl says �I don�t think he�s out there� and the other responds �why don�t you poke your head out and take a peek?�

See, in Jason X, which will probably be horrible, it�s like 2433 AD and a group of college kids on a archeological field trip to the desolate earth find Jason and take him onto a space station where their medical equipment turns him into a killer cyborg. What could be better? Yes, I know, if Steve Buscimi was in it.

On Survivor, the stupidest team ever, Miraamu, voted off Hunter. I would have thought it was more likely that he�d be elected minor deity than kicked. But, you know, a guy who does all the work is intimidating. In Survivor, you get rid of people like him AFTER the merge when rewards and immunity are individual. I think that Mark Burnett will have to do some serious rule changing to make any of the remaining five in that tribe have any chance against the tribe who hasn�t lost any of their eight members.

After Survivor, I went upstairs and found out that I�d accidentally deleted the �Name of the Game� song off my hard drive. I was going to make a CD for my car. I played a little Mah Jongg [see my Stuffoblog] and then Aisai did while I got ready for bed.

Aisai can go to bed without me, but if I try to go to bed without her, she complains and says she�ll be right down. When I heard her playing with the new paper shredder, I had to go up and shred some �courtesy checks.� We have ten years of them stocked up. A small shoebox full.

If you bought nice origami paper, the shredder would make really nice packing for presents.

My arm is feeling better, but I still can�t turn my head very well. Aisai finds it funny that I have to raise my head a little when I look to the right or left. It seems to...

...there was a bird in the small walkway between my office window and the storage shed which blocks my view of a pretty field. Maybe I should try to rig some bird feeder, as it was really pleasant seeing something out that glass-covered hole for once. Stupid shed.


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