Oh, Yeah, It's A Snow Day

We�ve had winter storm advisories for the last few days. Yesterday�s should have read:

�Kind of cold, with it becoming warmer in the evening. During the night, there is no chance of snow as it will be over 40 degrees and won�t even rain.�

However, everyone expected snow today.

When we were visiting the old folks home yesterday, one of the women thanked us for �slogging through the slush� to get there. There was no slush. We got some rain the day before. But it was 40 something degrees. We got a few flakes of snow, but only on cars and that melted quickly once the sun was out.

My weekend was oddly unfulfilling. Guadalajara was great, food wise, when we ate there on Friday. I even brought my little mini bottle of Iguana Bold Gold sauce and put that on everything.

Bold Gold is a really hot curry like flavor.

Saturday, Aisai went shopping with her mom and sister. Dinoback�s heading back to the UK on Friday so she�s looking to buy some clothing before she goes back. Aisai had some Christmas money burning a hold in her pocket.

Sunday between church we visited Windsor house. They were taking a lady that lives there to the hospital when we showed up. The turnout from our class was puny. Two coordinators, three college age, and two high schoolers. One of the high schoolers was there because there was a misprint and it showed that he was reading scripture there. The other was the girlfriend of the guy who led singing. Aisai and I were the coordinators.

I�m concerned about the apathy of the class. I feel like we�re doing damage control rather than really having the kids be a positive force. Sure, they helped the old couple move back in December, but turnout for everything is slim. Of the 20 something kids we have, it�s always the same few who show up and help with everything.

I guess it�s true. Ten percent of the people do 90 percent of the work.

I�m rather down because of that, seeing the older people at Windsor, other stuff. I think material possessions are damaging my soul. Yeah, you heard me.

But highest points of my weekend...eating at Guadalajara and bringing my own hot sauce and watching 1.25 hrs of Invader Zim on Sunday night.

And, in my fit of antimaterialism, my Sony TR517 should show up today.


Funny Thing I Just Thought: You call your friend Chum, because you like him, and you're a fish.


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