Now I Crave Jiffy Pop And Fish Sticks

[Written poorly when slightly sick, so bear with me.]

I suppose, since nothing at all happened yesterday, that I�ll write about microwaves. Or, more specifically, that I don�t have one.

I don�t think I�ve ever mentioned it here, but I usually have to at least once a month say, and sometimes explain, that I don�t have a microwave.

My down pat answer is �I don�t feel the need to have something that big to make popcorn.� It�s true.

Microwaves have a certain spot in my heart. They can take some normal tasting meat and transform it into an inside out baboon. Wait, that was the transporters in The Jeff Goldblum Fly. But it does make meat taste wrong.

Aisai knows that, maybe once ever six months, we�ll start eating something and I�ll get a funny look on my face and say, �The meat is wrong.� And I�ll not eat it. Most of the time, Aisai eats it and is fine. However, about a fifth of the time she gets sickish afterward. I�m not talking about that kind of wrong, however, microwaved meat is just plain wrong.

And most micro-meals are based on using tomato sauce to cover the flavor of this wrongness.

Once upon a time, a story that will live in my mind in infamy, Aisai�s mom took some brand new barbeque from Mr. Barbeque and, since Tom and his family were going to be a little late, when they showed up she microwaved a full pound of pork barbeque and made it all terribly terribly wrong.

When I�m 89 years old, I�ll still tell that story. But then, it�ll be four pounds of the best barbeque you�ve ever tasted, or some such exaggeration. I�ve heard that you don�t really remember the event at that point, but you remember the amalgam of details from all the times you told it.

So, what are microwaves good for, besides ruining meat. Well, you can boil water...but I have kettle that actually goes FWEEEEEEEE when it boils. And you can make microwave popcorn.

I must admit. Microwaves are the perfect machine to make pop corn. How ever did the Mayan people make popcorn without them?

However, that said, when was the last time you made Jiffypop?

Jiffypop is fun. And, if you factor in a dollar value for not having your counter space used up, the cost is about equal. It�s 99 cents for a thing of Jiffypop. A microwave is from $70 up. I don�t think I have, or would have, microwave popcorn more than once a week.

Especially not after having it twice a day waiting for my Korean food to come in.

Oh, and Shin Cup Ramen comes in a big bowl now. �So,� you say, �Is it called Shin Big Bowl Ramen?� No. It�s called Shin Cup Noodle Soup and it just happens to be in a Big Bowl. It doesn�t say Big Bowl, but I know enough that you should capitalize it out of respect. It really says �Nongshim BIG� at the top.

In any case, the one I had yesterday wasn�t very Shin Rameny. It was almost Udon-like and wasn�t nearly as hot as it should have been.

Oh, and [it seems] I have a cold and can�t keep my train of thought.


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