21 Hour Day

I�m so stinkin� sleepy, I�m just going to do yesterday chronologically, which is a real shame, since there was so much fodder for wit it seems a shame to waste it, but as you can see from this opening sentence, I�m sleepy freak of the freaky sleeps.

I woke at 5:30, as usual, and got ready for work. My new soap doesn�t dry my skin like ivory does and it makes me smell all manly. [beats chest]...[coughs] I ate cereal, drove to work, and did the work thing.

While I was doing the work thing, I checked the stats on my page [what you�re reading] and noticed that someone looked at 29 pages. They were from and they looked at them in 34 minutes. That�s pretty speedy reading. Then I found out the referring page and discovered that I�ve been reviewed.

Yes, is a not too flattering review of my site. Some points are totally valid, and I really hated that they reviewed on a day that I (a) quoted lyrics and (b) didn�t use one of my hand drawn icons.

I can�t agree with the gal saying that she doesn�t care what I�m having for lunch. This whole �rancid Chinese food so I eat 6000 mg of sodium in my popcorn� thing is a big thing. It is.

She also suggests that I add more color...uh, it�s black and white, except for that Diet Mountain Dew thing at the bottom, which was a whim, and will probably be removed soon. And as for me mentioning that I am addicted to a video game currently, I am. If you look a month ago, I probably am not talking about video games [unless it�s Tony Hawk, but my birthday was the 18th of last month, see].

I think key in understanding her review, is the line �...I just sorta skimmed them...� Also the fact that of the other reviews that she liked, one was Erin, who is hard not to like, and the other was some English gal [or Anglophile, they�re so hard to determine] who talked about having sex in the kitchen. I don�t seem to fall into the right categories since I�m not some girly and if I have sex in the kitchen, I don�t tell.

She did say some nice stuff. But I forget what it is and don�t want to read the review again.

After work, I went home and played Grand Theft Auto 3. I did, and I relished it. Mwa ha ha ha. Oh, and I had two cans of 99% fat free ravioli yesterday, cold, since I had to get enough food in me for the drive to Nashville.

Aisai called and told me to meet her at her mom�s house since she was running late. She said she was wearing reasonably comfortable clothes so she didn�t need to change.

On the way up I-65, we stopped and I got two McHamburgers since I was very hungry. We didn�t have time to eat at Steak n� Shake, so we ate at Backyard Burger and there was a devil vampire there.

Oh, no, I mean a clown.

Aisai is very afraid of clowns and I think they are degenerates. Sorry, if any clowns are out there and this offends you. That said, burn in hell, you freak.

At one point, when Clowny started to get too close and Aisai was visibly blowing a fuse, I stood up and got near him and said �My wife�s got a phobia of clowns.� He understood, but didn�t want to lose face so it took him about 20 seconds to clear the area.

I was dressed in black jeans, a black pocket T, my black � length leather jacket, and I�m sure my 3 mm long hair was bristling with badness.

Neil Diamond was much better than I thought he�d be. On the way out of the concert, an old man fell down the stairs. I�d really like to go into detail about how badly he did it. He literally turned around and did the Nestea Plunge and then bippity bopped his head as he was the human toboggan sliding down the non-snowy stairs. It was a bad thing.

He was fine though. At least, he got up. Everyone there was really old. I beat up a few in the parking lot. I didn�t. That was a joke.

It took a while to get out of our $10 parking spot at Monstrosity Baptist Church next door. We crossed the state line at 12:30, so I�m guessing I got in bed at 1:30.

This morning, when I was getting ready, I commented to Velvet, our youngest cat, that if Neil Diamond had cats, that song, �I am, I said� would go differently.


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