Weekendy Weekend Jus' Like The Nother

So where'd the years go?
All the time we had
being poor was
not such a drag in hindsight

- Ben Folds, �The Ascent of Stan�

Friday night, no big surprise, Aisai and I went to eat at Tia�s. We got the waiter that appreciates good hot sauces and he brought me, not just the little wooden caddy that holds six hot sauces, but also hunted down an Iguana Gold and Iguana Radioactive for me.

Saturday, I slept late and then played my game, Grand Theft Auto 3, while Aisai and her mother were out Christmas shopping. She got home at four.

Wait, I think we had Chinese Friday and we had Tia�s Saturday. In any case...

Friday, Aisai had told me that Harry Potter [the movie] was sold out all weekend long. I thought this was amazing, but not terribly so, since I remember being herded like cattle into one of the four theaters showing Jurassic Park when that first came out. And that was in the days before being able to buy your tickets online and just picking them up at the ticket booth.

Sunday, I find out that it wasn�t sold out. Also, Tom�s family thought that Monsters, Inc. was better. This does not bode well for Mr. Potter.

Oh, and I guess I won�t be finishing the book before the movie comes out, huh?

But I know what you are all wanting to hear. �So, Postwood, how are you doing in Grand Theft Auto 3?�

Well, you know that I�m on the third island, the one with the international airport, and that I�m still working for the Yakuza back on Staunton Island. Well, this last mission that I can�t seem to get is for me to leave my meeting and get to a buoy in the harbor with the rocket launcher in three minutes and thirty seconds. I can do this easily.

Then I have to use the rocket launcher to shoot down a small engine aircraft [think Cessna 150] which is carrying spank [the big drug] and steal the shipment. However, when you shoot down planes with rocket launchers, the cops tend to notice and get peeved. Rather peeved. Four star peeved.

How have I failed this mission? I�ve missed the plane about five different times. I�ve been killed by the Cartel twice as I tried to collect the packages. I�ve been killed by the sniper in the police helicopter on foot once. I�ve had that same sniper blow up the boat three times while I was on my way back from where I started. And I�ve had the FBI wipe the pavement with my brains when I was making a run in the Cartel�s big four-door pickup for a paint spray shop [to get the cops off my tail].

What have I learned?

That boat is a piece of crap. Once I get the goods, I need to do the rest on land. However, if I am in the boat and get the packages out of the water, and the police helicopter starts shooting at me, don�t down them with the rocket launcher, since then the police get even madder and I am total toast then.

If I do it on land, I�ll have to use the Cartel�s wheels, and thus I need to do a better job with the sniper rifle and get the first load of goons� truck rather than the second. My body armor needs to be intact when I meet the FBI on the streets.

The FAQ on the internet indicated that the person who did that just puttered on over in the boat, shot down the plane, got the packages, and delivered them to the Yakuza. Easy enough.

Why does Microsoft Word have Yakuza in it�s spell check dictionary?


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