Back At Work

Today, after work, I�ll take my bandage off. I�m very much looking forward to it since I can tell that I think I�d be able to type correctly with it off. Besides, I got some food on it last night.

I didn�t play a single second of Gran Turismo when I was off. And I had planned to since it only requires the thumb on my left hand. Well, and my right hand too.

I made some CDs for friends. Making CDs is good �mousework� and involves little or no typing. I also made a copy of the mellower CD for the cats.

TC made my cats a CD too. There is a warning that the music could make a person go numb on it. Soothing music is good for cats. And it looks like I get another version of Pretty World on this. I knew that Sergio Mendez didn�t originally write that.

Nothing happened at work while I was gone. Oh, actually plenty happened, but Ace [new nickname, for those playing the home game] was able to handle it in government stalling style.

This is about all the typing that I can stand. It�s not pain or anything; it�s sheer irritation at moving my left arm around so much. Actually, I have typed this paragraph normal style. All D�s take about three seconds each.

Ok, that pain builds up and sustains itself. It�s an odd, ooky pain that makes you think you may barf. Very odd. No more of that.

Oh, and I�m ebaying all over the place. If you knew my account name, you could see what I�m buying for Aisai�s gift basket for our 10-year anniversary.

I hope the internet acquaintance doesn�t get freaked out that I�m sending them something. After all, they are listed in the phone book.

When you have a hurt hand, spell check is a wonderful thing.


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