Vanity In General: Fake Parts and a Hat

Ok, this entry will be a short one.

Yesterday, TC, always trying to bug me in some way and full of inappropriate humor, asked me if I would, for $125,000, have fake breasts put in for six months.

My immediate answer, without hesitation, was no.

See, I�m a guy, and I don�t really think that $125,000 is worth my losing my reputation and dignity.

TC wondered why and I basically said what I just wrote in the paragraph above. When he stressed the amount of money it was, I said, �I have clothes. I have food. What am I going to do with $125,000? Buy better clothes and better food?�

I get the feeling that TC thought I hadn�t though of it before I answered. I really don�t need to. Part of having a defined value system is that you know what it is. I don�t have to sit there and judge every new thing that comes down the line, all I have to do is figure out if it is bad for me, and then don�t do the bad stuff.

Now, batwings grafted on. Yeah, I�d do that. As long as they weren�t grafted onto my forehead or anything weird.

I dunno, I could get diseases from having bat parts with my blood flowing through them. Yuck.

However, speaking of vanity, and you know all is vanity, I want some of those blue contact lenses. I want some blue eyes. Not all the time. But there is a set, I�ll put the link in the stuffoblog, which has three sets of disposable blue opaque contact lenses. It is only $30. That would be so fun. And it would be neat to put in only one for, like, Halloween.

I�m planning on making myself a hat out of three cornucopias this Halloween. I have the two smaller ones which get attached to the larger one. Now I just need a larger one which will allow my head to go into it and some foam or whatnot to pad it a little. I�m thinking of painting it fluorescent orange with black accents.

And I scare the kids when I answer the door anyway.

Awwhhiiooooooooooooo!!! [at the moon, mind you, not just in general]


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