Justify My Sodium Love

Egad, what to write about.

Last night we didn�t go walking since we are getting stuff for a gift basket for the new Youth Minister and his wife. Aisai, who loves gift baskets a little too much, has a $150 budget. She�s nearly delirious with weirdness about the whole thing.

So, I�m about 25% done with GT3. I haven�t even finished the beginner league however. I�m currently getting up around $140,000 to buy a Mercedes CL600, so I don�t have to get another Mercedes later in the game when the competition heats up. I did some rally racing yesterday with a Skyline from 1991. Boring, huh. Well, I like it.

The latest thing I�ve added to the replaytv is, shamefully, a sitcom. I�ve got News Radio filling my daily 30-minute show slot. There always has to be some dinko show like that which you can either watch or ignore, so you can eat in front of the TV.

We never use our kitchen table, except as a paperwork stand. It�s a little crowded now.

Actually, that�s not true, about us not using it, I eat breakfast at it when I have cereal. I�m about to get on a big protein drink kick. I have enough to last until grocery day now, but around the first of the month is when all the magazines come in. And I look at magazines when I eat cereal.

Oh, we usually eat sitting on the floor at the coffee table. A few years ago, I actually made a coffee table the size of a normal table since that is where we eat. Now we use a table which we bought for $10 at a yard sale and I then redid the surface.

Redid was in the spell check? Freaks!

One of the articles in one of my magazines that bugs me is about how cool and chic and high tech the teenage gals in Tokyo are. They have all these cool gadgets, etc, blah blah blah. I�m so sick of this story. Sure, it�s true, the rich gals in Tokyo have a wad of everything and it�s all got gems glued on [well, if you say, Mr. Reporter] and they wear the coolest weird things and the US is just about to adopt all this in about five years.

Right�I don�t see any gals wearing those big socks that were cool in 1995.

But in any case, the articles like this always focus on the teen females and never on adults and surely never on males. Why? I think that the media thinks we will be intimidated if we knew that teenage Japanese boy were carrying around technology which would boggle our minds.

As much as America likes to think of itself as a progressive society [and I use that term loosely since I don�t agree with mothers abandoning their kids for a job], most women who work are secretarial. I think they just get content with having a job and doing things and don�t really try to get a better job.

Heck, I�m the same way. The rat race passes me right by.

So Americans, with this knowledge, look at the article about cute lil� Japanese gals with Star Trek technology (or surpassing it since Star Trek never really did much with what they had), see it and say, �Oh, how cute.� But if the story was about a male, they wouldn�t think cute. Some people might think �Cool!� but others would get a little intimidated. After all, that little dude is the future.

I�m really tempted to have some Shin Cup Noodle for lunch rather than have a can of Ravioli. If the ravioli has more than 600 mg of sodium, then I�ll have some justification, since the shin ramen only has about 1200 or so. Hmmm�.Yowza!

The ravioli has 1080 per serving and there are 2 in the thing. Yikes. And this is funny, canned pasta math. I shall demonstrate:

The can contains 425g of food. Serving size is 244g. There are �about 2� servings per container. So �about 2� x 190 calories per serving = about 380 calories. When in all actuality the 244g has 190 calories, giving each gram 0.779 calories. Multiply this by the grams in the can and you get 330 calories. Hmm.

I don�t know what it is, but they are always trying to make canned pasta seem like it has more calories. I think it�s the target audience. Kids, or their mothers really, look at the can and see that lil� Johnny is getting enough calories.

So the Chef Boyardee 99% Fat Free Beef Ravioli in Tomato & Meat Sauce will have 1881 mg of sodium and my Nongshim Hot & Spicy Shin Cup Noodle Soup only has 1350. Ha!

Then again, my shin ramen only has 250 calories also.

Kimchi Bowl Noodle is another story. 56g per serving with 1350mg per serving. A total of 86g makes the total sodium 2073mg. They also play goofy math and even say �Serving Size 56g/About 2/3 package. Servings About 2.� And it only has 384 calories.

Ok, enough talk. Time to eat.


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