Hootie Says, "I Love You, Subaru Taillights."

Dang, Shin Ramen is some good, hot stuff.

Something I mentioned to Aisai the other day was how often I say, �I love you� to different members of the house. Aisai and Zapato get numerous ILYs each day. Velvet might get one each day, but more than likely, I�d have to say every third day, just to be safe. Which leads us to the real topic here�I think I tell Mouse that I love her maybe every three months.

Aisai was quick to say something about how it shows who I like best. I blurted out that that wasn�t really the case. It�s just I don�t see Mouse that much. Sure, I see her every day, but it�s different. She�s so reclusive.

And Velly, she�s always begging or complaining. It�s hard to tell a grouchy cat that you love them.

Oh, and did I mention I was a weirdo.

TC, which stands for The Collector for any Stuffo newbies, was talking about the National Lampoon�s Vacation Soundtrack the other day. I looked into it and, sure enough, you can�t get it. It�s super rare these days. And I�m talking on CD, not LP or lame old cassettes.

TC specifically wanted one song: Dancin� Across the USA by Lindsey Buckingham. I found it, in MP3 format and zipped at a John Hughes movie website. I burned him a CD yesterday with that, a 15 minute long track of Steve Martin, and some other songs. He�s not all MP3y yet, but he does have an audio CD burner, which is terribly freakish to me.

Aisai and I didn�t see a movie this last weekend. With The Chronicle and two Farscapes and Gran Turismo 3 and that horror version of Snow White coming on Sunday, there was no need.

However, this Thursday, we�ll go to Jurassic Park 3, which I hear is pretty substandard. Now, I will look at this as a Godzilla movie, which is after all what it is.

I wasn�t disappointed in the lame Matthew Broderick Godzilla movie. Heck, it was one of the best Godzilla movies I�d seen. My standards are low on Godzilla movies. In a modern spectacle movie, I need just that spectacle, and lots of it.

And it disappoints me that the new Subraru Impreza has taillights which look like an early 1990s Pontiac Grand Am. I mean, how slummy.

I�m kind of hopping around subjects since I�m getting them off my digital recorder. I�ll be driving and I�ll get the Panasonic RR-QR80 [and don�t be laughin� about how old that thing is or how little ram it has] and yell over the stereo into it.

The fifth entry on my digital recorder is: �Ok, the amphibian thing, and the Hootie thing�those are good things.�

And I don�t mean good things as in they are virtuous, I mean it�s a good topic to talk about.

The Amphibian Thing

T-boss, a vegetarian who still lusts for meat, was telling me that his father and he, during the early 1990s, had gone to Greenbriar, the old one, not the one on 565, and that they had frog legs on the menu.

Now, I�m an adventurous eater, or I like to think that I am. I�ll eat a fried chicken gizzard. I�ll eat a salsa like thing with octopus in it. But I�ve never eaten an amphibian. I�m not sure I�d like them.

The more I thought about frog flesh prepared as food, the more it grossed me out. Eew!

The Hootie Thing

Darius Rucker may say he isn�t Hootie, but he is. We have him outnumbered and we think he�s Hootie. If we put it to a vote, hey, sorry, you�re Hootie. Just because a man says he isn�t hootie, knows deep in his heart that he isn�t, proclaims it from the mountain top, �I am not Hootie�, it doesn�t mean he isn�t Hootie.

Cause, Darius, you are Hootie.

It reminds me of a saying: �Just because you�re not paranoid, doesn�t mean they aren�t after you. Because they are.�

Or maybe it�s �Just because you are paranoid��

In any case, just because you [are or are not] paranoid, doesn�t mean they [are or are not] after you, because they [are or are not].

Choose for yourself.

And one of my favorite quotes: �Not all combinations make sense.�


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