I'm Back in Black [After Final Fantasy & GT3]

I did set my watch using the atomic clocks on the internet to set the clock in the PC and then the Timex software to set my watch, but the stupid thing set me two seconds slow. Grrr.

36) How did you like Final Fantasy?

I cannot tell you how much I liked it. I really really liked it. Not only is it a piece of history to be the first photorealistically rendered movie, but also the plot was good. Everything gets A�s or A+�s except for how the mouths moved. Will I see it again? Yes, and hopefully on the big screen.

37) Can we have a three-sentence synopsis of Final Fantasy?

Some big meteorite hit the earth and these freaky things that suck your soul out came out of the thing. The girl who has Bridget Fonda�s face is collecting �spirits� to make a counter wave type thing, to cancel out the freaky things. There is politics and Steve Buscimi thrown in for good measure, but he dies before the incredibly killer finale.

38) Did you get your music ready for the Live365 station you want to make?

No, Aisai called up to me to turn the music down, and I realized it was 11:24. Since I have to wake, and did, at 5:30 this morning, I went to sleep instead. Besides, I need to rip some Weezer and get the Cibo Matto song Moonchild ripped also. It looks like the loop will be around four hours.

Aisai and I had chili over rice last night to eat. I set the replaytv so it no longer records Tenchi. Such a shame that I�ve seen them all. If only I had a worse memory, then I could see them anew again. But my memory is bad enough.

When I first got my digital recorder, I was so pleased that I could make notes to myself. I commented to Labman that it was almost as if I actually had a memory. And though I�ve found the recorder again, I�ve been wearing shirts with no pockets for the last few days.

Today, I�m dressed more like a bouncer than anything else: Black K-Rock t-shirt with a black belt and black jeans over my black boots. With the shaved head [which was actually shaved last Wednesday so I have 3 mm long hair now] and goatee, I�m probably scaring all the senior citizens.

Aisai always tells me that I�m never actually scary looking. But I�ve seen me in the mirror. I�m especially scary when I go �Arrggg Ggrrrrrrrrrr Rrrarrrrrr�.

39) So, what are the plans for the weekend?

Aisai will be getting new tires for her car. She wants go get 205�s rather than the 190�s that come on her car. More power to her. That Camry needs some handling. Though I�ve always though that the ride was too cushy to really bother.

I�d like to get her some speakers for the back of her car before she blows the front ones too. It would be only about $30 for some medium cheap Jensens or something. I think I could install them myself, but then again, you can never underestimate the trickiness of car manufacturers to make things difficult for the little man.

Japanese beetles are eating everything, especially our cherry tree in the front yard. With the 5 million inches or rain we�ve gotten recently, the grass in the back yard is really starting to pickup.

And I�ve been slacking on putting out all that bird food that I used to.


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