Shout! Shout at the Hammock!

The chances of me writing something somber and weepy today are slim. It�s the irritation of a government worker who is bored and has cool new stuff at home that drives me. Grrr. I�m like a marmot who�s tasted blood for the first time.

A-whoooooo! [at the moon, mind you.]

Story 1: TC the Weatherman

The Smoking Man told TC that he had to get on the radio and inform the �units� of the severe weather warning, on the hour, every hour. By three p.m., it was rather silly and TC was dreading it. TC made the mistake of being in the lab as I was titrating. Yes, I was a titrating fool. In any case, TC says, into the radio, �This is 701 to all units�concerning the state of the�� and across the room I say �Weather.� TC has an almost laugh and says, �Weather�allremainsthesame. over.� Oh, I laugh, TC laughs. TC says he�s going to kill The Smoking Man. But then, what�s this? The radio sparkles to life and the lil� units out there begin to call back. �Thanks [TC]� said in 12 different ways come from the sarcastic mouths of 12 different employees. Bwah ha ha ha.

Story 2: Mr. Smiley had a bleeding ulcer

Well, heck. I thought I could escape from reality and not have anything bad to say. But my neighbor across the street, Mr. Smiley, just got out of the hospital. He had a bleeding ulcer which snuck up on him. All of the sudden last week he was having blood come out of everywhere blood could come out of if you had a bleeding ulcer. He almost died. He was puttering around the front yard in slow motion when I got home. He seemed a little incoherent, but maybe it was just pain pills. Though his right side seemed rather slack. Aisai and I wondered if he has had a stroke recently.

Story 3: Aisai is a good cook

And she is, but the recipe in the book was bad. It called for 3 lbs of squash, two eggs, bacon, cook it in a pan, stick it in the oven, etc, etc. After the squash was �browned�, Aisai came to the realization that ewww, nast.

We went to the Visitation Reorganization Meeting empty handed.

Which is what we did last night. We are on the church visitation thingy, which means that every month they give us a person�s name and we make them cookies and hang out with them for a while. I have no problem talking to strangers, and often they aren�t strangers. It�s just that lately they�ve been giving us shut-ins, and I have a difficult time finding the common ground with 88 year olds.

Rocks in the yard. That is the common ground that was used with the lady so old she couldn�t hear. She could hear me, but not Aisai. The other guy worked for the city for 38 years. Yuck, I�m no glutton for that kind of punishment. But that was our common ground.

We got home and watched Tenchi and then a Rally Race. Colin McRae won. He�s tied with Tommi �I�m a boring robot� Makenen in points this season. He�s only finished three races, but he�s won all of them.

Tonight, Aisai and I watch the Kurt Russell flop Soldier. We rented it last Friday. The curse of five day rentals forces us to watch it tonight. It looked pretty good for a lousy sci-fi movie. Really, how bad can sci-fi really get?

I say that without seeing Battlefield Earth. Though I have seen The Avengers, and honestly can�t imagine a worse movie.

The Kronos felt sporty today on the way into work. Oh, and just to keep my �everything is falling apart� quota up, the headliner is letting go in two places in the back.

Hmm, I don�t feel like howling at the moon anymore.

I feel like howling at the hammock.

A-oooof! [snore snore]


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