More Questions Part 1

1) Name and nickname(s)?

[Real Name Withheld], Postwood, Frogboy (at work only), Boogieman

2) Favorite place you have lived?

10123 Versailles Dr was the best. I've often though of buying that house, but since it has been a rental for the last decade, I'm sure it's more trashed than I can imagine.

3) Favorite vacation or trip you've taken and why?

I was rather fond of my honeymoon, but Galveston in 1998 was also nice. The honeymoon on Marco Island was unique of our vacations since there was no tropical storm or hurricane involved.

4) Favorite books or the last book you read?

The last book that I was reading, but haven't finished, is the history of Nintendo, the one called Game Over. I also looked at my 1901 copy of Teddy Roosevelt's The Strenuous Life while smoking a cigar a few weeks ago. The last full book I read, I think, was Steve Martin's The Cruel Shoes.

5) Favorite movies?

I don't believe in one favorite movie, so I like the phrasing of this. My flavors of the week are AI, 5th Element, Run Lola Run, Princess Mononoke, and maybe Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I'm very fickle about movies. I'm also easily pleased by movies in the genres that I like.

6) What would you do with a million dollars?

Ruin my life.

7) Are you a morning or a night person?

I'm a night person who has to wake up at 5:30 on weekdays so I've turned into a horrible mutant. I can't stay up past midnight without getting those odd, late night sweats, but no matter how late I stay up, I wake up at 5:30 and then go back to sleep.

8) What does working out mean to you?

Where did this freak of a question come from? When I lost that weight last year, I walked. I also did pushups and situps in accordance with one of the smartest get fit systems I've seen, the reccommended training for the Navy's officer candidate school.

9) Have any pets? Their names/species?

Yes. Zapato, Mouse, and Velvet are all cats.

10) What kind of car/truck do you drive?

Short Answer: Aquamarine 1994 Kronos Portabella 2. Long answer: I'm not telling.

11) Prefer living in a small town, small city, or big city?

I prefer to live on the outskirts of a small city within two hours of a big city. That way you can go to see those limited release movies with just a daytrip and also eat at Steak n' Shake, which we don't have one of yet.

12) Last concert you attended?

Barenaked Ladies 2001. Before that Rush, then Pink Floyd, then Paul Simon. I know I left some out, but if I can't remember then quickly...

13) Favorite games to play?

Gran Turmismo. I'm thinking of getting a Gran Turismo tattoo on my retina.

14) If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

See, I can live anywhere, so I guess here. But if I was living la vida perfecto, then I'd be in Hawaii. But a different Hawaii, one with good radio stations and prices for meat like I was in Texas.


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