Much Ado About Blah Blah Blah

I read other people�s Diaryland sites and they complain about boredom. Count your blessings, buddy. If you want adventure, I wish I could bottle it up and hand it to you.

My life is one big adventure. But that�s not necessarily a good thing.

The stuff on snake day, I didn�t mention all the stuff that happened afterward. But there was plenty going on that night, and not terribly fun.

Friday was a normalish workday, thankfully slower than usual though. Friday night, Aisai went out to eat at Chili�s. I don�t remember what made us late getting out, but there�s always something. We got out at around 7, when all the normal people are out.

Honestly, due to fashion niches, there are about 200 different types of clones wandering around out there. Teenagers really do the clone thing well. There are a few acceptable hair styles right now and only a few cool clothing options.

I tell you, it�s 1978 all over again with the tight fitting shirts on gals who are too young to be wearing tight fitting shirts. Actually, I�m not sure tight fitting shirts are really all that acceptable at any age. I suppose it depends on your profession.

(That was a prostitute joke.)

At least it�s not terry cloth. But if all things are cyclic, if the snake is biting it�s tail and the wheel of time blah blah blah, then the wonderful fuzzy sweaters of the 1980s will be right around the corner. Aisai would be really great in a grey, fuzzy sweater.

Aisai and I were in a funk at Chili�s. Her upcoming MRI and our just being flat out tired was rearing their respective ugly heads. Afterward, we went home. I don�t remember what happened Friday night. That�s why documenting that kind of stuff should happen at the time.

Saturday was a service project with our college age group at church. We did 16 people times five hours worth of work on an elderly ladies house. That�s 80 hours, two full weeks of full time jobness.

Afterward we went home and watched both episodes of Charmed that the replaytv caught during the week. With Buffy, Angel, Voyager, and pretty much everything else over, we�re exploring reruns of shows we�ve not seen.

The ReplayTV caught a neat movie called Charley Varrick that I�ve been watching in small pieces. It�s a noir bank heist and no one trust each other movie from the 1970s. Worse yet, they were only trying to get a couple thousand dollars and they got around $700,000 of the mob�s money.

And there�s always Tenchi.

I played some Gran Turismo 2 and pined for Gran Turmsmo 3. EBWorld says it will ship on the 10th, which will be difficult since that�s a Sunday.

Saturday night, somehow, Aisai got me started moving my computer/stereo from the loft to the newly painted library. And I noticed that the fellow who mixed the paint for the shelves got the color way wrong. Aisai is happier with not repainting the shelves than with returning the paint and getting it right. Fine with me too.

Sunday, I served communion and Aisai and I cleaned up communion after church. We ate at Friday�s and our waiter, who was new to being a waiter, was too talky and actually confronted me and would not let the subject drop about why I was not interested in geology. I�m just not interested in geology.

�Well, why aren�t you interested in geology? I mean, why not?� he would say, and did say, about three times.

I provided answers mostly, but finally I said, �I don�t feel like justifying myself to you.�

He ended cleaning up on the tip though. I gave him $30 for a $24.50 bill just so I didn�t have to see him again.

Note to Friday�s: Fire freakboy.

Sunday evening we cleaned up communion for those who missed morning worship and we also had a meeting about what we�ll schedule for the college age kids this summer.

They really liked doing the service project, so they get two more. There will be �fellowships�, a church word for get-togethers, on three separate occasions. There�ll be a devotional, a fellowship with a lesson taught too, at our place. And we�ll also go to Atlanta to the Coke plant and also Underground Atlanta.

We are also working on the four year curriculum that the elders want us to frame up for the kids. Now they are getting info which pertains to the concept of working for the rest of your life. We�ll also get the guy who�s teaching the money class on Wednesday to teach for us one quarter. And I�d like to get the guy who did that great job on the bible�s history, translations, and versions. A quarter really wasn�t enough time for that.

The snake was dead on Saturday when Aisai and I drove by. He managed to get another two feet away from the road.

�He�s HUGE.� said Aisai when she saw him. Yeah, he�s huge and dead. Too bad there�s not a market for big dead snakes.

Today Aisai will be getting out of the chamber later than usual. It�s month end and all the covert accounting types must do their thing.

I�ll play GT2 and wait for her. Her MRI is tonight at 6:00. They wont find anything. They better not. I�d like to have 2001 brain surgery free.


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